This article contains the following information:
The No Milestone Progress notifications are designed to alert teachers or staff when students are not completing expected milestones within an expected timeframe. This allows staff to easily be alerted if a student is not progressing as expected.
The Initial Diagnostic milestones are especially helpful to identify students that have not completed the initial diagnostic: students won't show up in the on-screen study path reports, so they may be easily overlooked when missing.
The Target Score not Reached notification is a great way to help ensure students have completed the expected study path before the end of the term. It also can be helpful in keeping students on pace when multiple study paths are utilized within one goal and need to be completed within a specific time frame.
Notification Settings
The available milestones are:
- Initial Diagnostic Not Started Stage: allows users to be notified that a student has not begun the initial diagnostic.
- Initial Diagnostic Not Complete Stage: allows users to be notified that a student has begun but not yet completed the initial diagnostic.
- Study Path Not Started Stage: allows users to be notified that a student has completed the initial diagnostic but has not yet worked in their study path
- Target Score Not Reached Stage: allows users to be notified that a student has not yet reached the scope's default target score.
You can also indicate the appropriate elapsed time frame, entering a value and the unit of measure (minutes, hours, days, months): EdReady will check to see if the student has met the milestone when the specified amount of time has passed. If not, the notification will be generated.
You can select multiple milestones when creating this notification, but all will use the same elapsed time setting: if you need a different timeframe for a specific milestone, you will need to create a separate No Milestone Progress notification.
Adding this Notification
1. Navigate to the Study Path Options for this goal and scope (more details here), then click the Notifications button. A pop-up window will appear.
2. Select No Milestone Progress in the Type dropdown menu.
3. Name the notification. **Please note all four notifications can be activated at the same time if the same time interval is wanted on all. If different time intervals are desired, they must be created separately**.
4. Provide a message directed to the administrator or instructor with information or steps to take upon receiving the notification.
5. Enter the Elapsed Time and Unit, and select the notifications you wish to enable.
6. Click the Active checkbox if you wish to activate the notification(s).
7. Click the Save button to create your notification(s).
Overview Video