
Account Deactivated or Archived


If you are trying to log into your school's EdReady site and seeing a message that your account has been deactivated or archived, you will need to contact your instructor or your EdReady administrator for assistance. EdReady staff is not authorized to reactivate it, but we can help you find the right person to talk to. Please see EdReady: Account Deactivated or Archived for more details.

NROC Course Manager

If you need assistance getting into your NROC Course Manager account, please contact NROC support or your LMS administrator. If your LMS administrator has deactivated your account, our staff is not authorized to reinstate your account, but we can help you find the right person to talk to.

Contact Us

If you need personal assistance and would like to submit a support ticket, please use the "Help" button at the bottom of the screen to contact us.

If you were directed here by our HippoBot and this does not resolve your issue, do not be concerned. Your ticket is already in the queue and we will get back to you shortly to assist you further.


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