NOTE: This secure content is for NROC Members only. Do not share outside of your member institution.
This customizable file contains links to three sets of NROC English playlist content at HippoCampus.
Usage instructions:
All links in this file contain a placeholder ID: myXXXX.
Before using the links, perform a workbook-wide Find and Replace to change all instances of "myXXXX" with your institution's Hippo ID (for example: "myNROC"). If you do not know your institution's myXXXX designation, contact your NROC Project Manager or use the "Help" link at the bottom of the screen to reach out to us.
Associated with: HippoCampus, NROC English
Contact Your LMS Admin for Access to This Resource
Only LMS Administrators can access this material for distribution within a secure environment. Please contact your LMS Administrator or your local NROC Project Manager for assistance in accessing this resource. If you do not know whom to contact, you can reach out to us in NROC Support and we will connect you with the right person. Contact us at and select "Request NROC Project Manager Information".