
Key Algebra 1 Resources

This article contains the following information:

Getting Started: Introduction to the Algebra 1 course for Administrators and Instructors

The two-semester, adaptable, NROC Algebra 1 course may be used as either a stand-alone curriculum, a supplemental resource, or even for online homework. The course is designed to allow customization by the instructor and offers video, audio, interactive simulations, puzzles, direct links to supporting text (in English and Spanish) as well as other instructional approaches that engage a variety of learning styles and attitudes.

This course is designed to be used with first-time algebra students at a broad range of ability levels, from remedial to advanced. The content is correlated to all US state algebra frameworks and The Common Core.

The course includes instructor user guides that provide topic outlines, tips and challenges of teaching the math in the unit, guidance for using the unit level activities, the unit glossary, and Common Core topic correlations.


Table of Contents: Algebra 1 Scope and Sequence

Click here to view the NROC Algebra 1 course table of contents.


Course Installation:

Contact Your LMS Admin for Access to This Resource

Only LMS Administrators can access this material for distribution within a secure environment. Please contact your LMS Administrator or your local NROC Project Manager for assistance in accessing this resource. If you do not know whom to contact, you can reach out to us in NROC Support and we will connect you with the right person. Contact us at and select "Request NROC Project Manager Information".

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