
Inherit Settings

When registering a new NROC Math or English course, you will have the option to "Inherit Settings" from another class.

This allows you to register a class that has the same NROC Course Manager settings as a previous class you have taught or a class your institution has set up as a template. 

Follow the steps below to create your template class and register a new class with the same settings:

  • Register an empty class with a unique name that indicates it is a template class (e.g., Math12345-Smith-Template).
    • You can use an existing class, but keep in mind that if the class is eventually deactivated or deleted, you will lose access to it as a template as well.
  • Review all the settings in the NROC Course Manager for that class and ensure that it has all the customizations you want future classes to inherit.
    • Remember to check per-unit settings as well as class-wide settings: in particular, the Class Settings tab and the Unit Content tab.
  • The next time you register a new class, select Inherit Settings, and choose this template class from the dropdown menu.

Please note that this option is not available for existing classes. It is only available during the initial class registration process.

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