This article contains the following information:
Congratulations Message Overview
The Congratulations message will display for students when they have hit their Target Score. Most commonly this will be the default target score on the scope, but students may also increase their target score to 100 and will see this page again when they reach this score. If you have enabled Target Options, students will reach the Congrats page when they have reached their selected Target Score, versus the default one defined on the scope.
Note: details on accessing the Study Path Options messages can be found here.
Available Options
Click Edit from the main Study Path Options Messages tab to edit this message:
You will be taken to a page where you can edit the Congratulations page settings:
First, select the Main Title at the top of the page. If you want to show the student's target score, select:
- You have completed this study path and reached your target score of score
If you are using the Target Options functionality, you'll want to choose:
- You have completed this study path and reached your target score of score for the School name
If you don't want the score displayed, select
- None.
Then, enter the messaging you want your students to see. The Content will display under the title and the Custom Instructions will be included under the What's next? header.
The other options available are:
- Choose a higher target option: this is only applicable if you're using the Target Options functionality. It allows students to return to the screen where they select their Target Score to choose a new score
- Return to your list of Study Paths: if your goal has more than one scope included in it, we recommend you enable this setting, as it provides a shortcut to return to the main study paths screen.
- Continue studying and improve your score: when enabled, students will see a "Continue Studying" link on their congrats page. If they click this link, their target score will increase to 100 so that they can continue to study the remaining material they haven't mastered. If your target score is less than 100, you must enable this setting if you want students to have the ability to review the resources on their study path after they have reached their target score.
- Allow students to keep studying after reaching 100% mastery?: if enabled, students that have reached a score of 100 will see this message and have the ability to revisit their study path.
If you would like the student and/or another address(es) to receive an email copy of this message, you can enable the Email setting. If you'd like the student to receive a copy of this message via email, enable the Send email to student option. If anyone else should receive this email, enter their email address in the Other emails field.
Be sure to click the Save button when this message is first created and upon making any edits.
If you'd like to see how this message will display to students, click the Preview button and it will appear in a pop-up window.