
Flash to HTML5 Conversions In Progress: Detailed List

Updated: April 21, 2020


The following collections are available in HTML5:
The NROC Collection (except for the puzzles, which are still available at HippoCampus but have otherwise been discontinued from our published courses and will not be converted)
Khan Academy
Art of Problem Solving
The Nature of Writing
Grammatically Correct
Mt. San Jacinto College


Collections that are partially converted:
PhET *
Phoenix College
National Geographic (US History and World History are converted; Environmental Science is not yet converted and not yet in the queue)
Dallas Learning Solutions (English and History are converted; Biology, Economics, and Sociology are in the queue; none of the simulations can be converted)
MathSnacks (the videos are converted; the games, which are being served from their site, are not under our control.) 


Collections that are in the queue to be converted:
Virginia Historical Society
Moments in American History


Collections that need to be converted that are not yet in the queue:
National Geographic: Environmental Science
Chattanooga State (Religion and Earth Science)


Content that cannot be converted from Flash:
SIATech English objects (there are 20 of these)
Most of the items in the "Simulations" area
Most of the items from NOAA
Non-Majors Biology (NROC)
Statistics for the Social Sciences (NROC)


* PhET is still in the process of converting their simulations from Flash to HTML5. We do not have a timeline from them on how long it will take; it depends on their funding. They have been slowly converting their content for the past several years. 
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