
Study Path Options Messaging: Study Path Progress

This article contains the following information:

Study Path Progress Message Overview

The Study Path Progress message provides a way for you to communicate with students as they work in their study path. It is commonly used to provide encouragement and can help you to track when they hit different score thresholds (stored as Milestones). When creating this message, you can indicate when it should appear (identifying the score that has been earned) and you can enable multiple messages to best meet your needs. 


This message type is not enabled by default, but you can add one to your study path by following these steps:

  1. Access the Study Path Options Messages tab (click here for instructions)
  2. Click the Add New Message button at the bottom of the page
  3. In the Section dropdown, select Study Path Progress 

Available Options


Enter the message you'd like students to see on-screen in the Content area.

Determine when you want students to see this message, and put your selection in the Score area. (Values between 1-99 are accepted.) For example, if you enter "60" here, students will see this message when they have reached an EdReady score of 60 for this study path.

Be sure to flag the message as Active if you want it displayed on-screen and/or sent via email, or stored as a milestone.

If you'd like the student-facing message to include the score milestone they have reached, enable the Show Score setting. 

If you'd like students to see this message as a pop-up window in their study path, enable the On-screen setting.  

If you would like the student and/or another address(es) to receive an email copy of this message, you can enable the Email setting:


If you'd like the student to receive a copy of this message via email, enable the Send email to student option. If anyone else should receive this email, enter their email address in the Other emails field.

Be sure to click the Save button when this message is first created and upon making any edits. 

If you don't want this score to be stored in the Milestones reporting, select the Exclude from reports setting.

If you'd like to see how this message will display to students, click the Preview button and it will appear in a pop-up window. 

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