
Study Path Options Messaging: Study Path Intro

This article contains the following information:

Study Path Intro Messages: Overview

The "Study Path Intro" messages will be displayed on-screen the first time a student visits their study path. The Complete message will show the first time a student views their full study path, and the Single Unit message will show the first time a student visits a Single-Unit view of their study path.

Note: details on accessing the Study Path Options messages can be found here

Available Options

There are two "Study Path Intro" messages available: Complete and Single Unit:


Click Edit from the main Study Path Options Messages tab to edit one of these messages. 


Enter the message you'd like students to see on-screen in the Content area.

The message is Active by default, but you can disable this message if desired by un-checking this checkbox.

If you make any edits, be sure to click the Save button.

If you'd like to see how this message will display to students, click the Preview button and it will appear in a pop-up window:



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