As an instructor getting started with NROC English, here are some helpful articles and tutorials you should reference.
We have assembled a set of video tutorials for NROC English instructors that we highly recommend to watch before you start teaching. We also have a Visual Workflow diagram for the Writing Center that is helpful for understanding the writing process. These resources will help you quickly learn...
- how to register your class
- how to set up your class
- how to monitor student progress, and
- how to manage the student writing process.
Additionally, there is an extensive PDF instructor's guide built into the course in your LMS in the "Instructor Resources" section.
Here are a few tips to get you started on the right foot and avoid some common early missteps.
- Be sure to register your class into the NROC Course Manager before you test any of the links. The Unit links, in particular, will have an error message unless you have registered the class.
- Be sure to visit the Class Settings tab in the NROC Course Manager for each class you are teaching and set up each Unit the way you want it. Instructions are in the video tutorials.
- Student work is collected and reported in the NROC Course Manager, which you can access via the "Course Management and Reporting" link in each class (this link is in the "Instructor Resources" section by default).
- Students will not show up in the NROC Course Manager until they have clicked on a Unit link. That first click registers their name in the Course Manager and from that point forward their data is collected under that name.