
NROC Math Materials Updated to HTML5

July 2017

Adobe's Flash technology has powered interactivity on the internet -- and in NROC courses -- for many years. However, open standards with fewer security risks have been overtaking Flash as the preferred platform for interactive technologies. Most mobile devices (such as iPads) never adopted native Flash support, and web browsers have been slowly decreasing support for Flash in anticipation of its eventual end-of-life.

As a result, all NROC Math courses (Algebra 1, Developmental Math Standard, and Developmental Math Pre-Assessment) have been upgraded from Flash-based to HTML5. (Project completed in July 2017.)

For an end-user (student), the change is primarily visual and the same Topic-level components remain available: Warm Up, Presentation, Worked Examples, Topic Text, Practice, and Review. You can see an example Topic homepage in each format below, with the updated navigation display highlighted:


Why was this change made?

  • Consistent User Experience across devices/ operating systems
    • Users are no longer dependent on having the Flash plugin
    • Students using devices that do not natively support Flash (such as iPads) will now be able to access our Math courses.
  • Improved Accessibility
    • Improves the accessibility of our materials for students using screen readers.
  • Improved User Experience
    • Modern and clean user interface
    • Consistent with other NROC courses


How do we get access to the new materials?


No action is required for users of HippoCampus and EdReady

If you are using our courses installed in your Learning Management System, LMS Administrators must install updated course files, which are available in the "Courses" menu at 


For a complete overview of the changes, please view our webinar: New Enhancements for NROC Members beginning at 21:58.

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