
Administrative Users: Sessions

IMPORTANT: This feature was enabled at 10PM Pacific on Aug 26, 2016. You will only see sessions that occurred after this date listed in this table.

EdReady tracks each session executed by a student or an administrator. A session is defined as the period between logging in and logging out (or being timed out). Each session is shown on its own row and the following fields are available for each row:

  • Log In: the date and time the session began
  • Log Out: the date and time the session ended
  • Session Time: total length of time of the session (format: HH:mm:ss)

As with other tables, you can sort and filter using the top section of any column as well.

Action Column:

The action column allows you to gain greater insight on what admins are doing while logged into EdReady. The connections button is mainly used by NROC to diagnose issues by viewing the type of browser and operating system the user is on. The other is labeled Details. The Details button gives session activity while that user was logged in. An example is shown below.

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