
Errors on Import

Please be aware that there may be a long list of errors on import, related to assessments not being found. They will read as follows:

Error: Question 154463 for the Assessment Unit 1 Quiz 149456 (Form A) is not in the expected format: No answer was found. Either the answer is not provided or not in a syntax supported by the importer.. This question will not be saved.

These errors result from a quiz question type that your LMS does not implement correctly: “constructed response” or “long answer”. This question type is not supported by all LMSes on import, although it is in the IMSCC spec.

There are four of these questions per quiz, and two quizzes per unit. Instructors must grade this question type manually, so not all instructors want to include them. We are giving everyone the option to delete them, or change the question type to something the LMS can work with. However, since your LMS does not install them at all, instructors will have to decide if they want to manually add them or leave them out.

We provide a text-based copy of these questions separately (requires login), so that you can provide the questions to your instructors to handle as they see fit.

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