
EdReady Tags: Searching

As objects (Scopes, Goals, Students, and Admin Users) have Tags applied (information here), you gain the ability to search for items by Tag. Throughout the Administrative pages in EdReady, you nay see places where you can Search by tags:

Click in the box to see a list of tags applied to the objects you have access to.


Click on any tag to add it to your search criteria: it will be added to the tag textbox:

When you have your tag(s) entered, click the Search button: the items displayed in the table on-screen will be limited to those that match your specified tags. 

Note: if you enter more than one tag, your search will only return items that have ALL specified tags applied. 

To delete a tag you previously specified, click the 'x' at the front of the tag's name and redo your search. 

Note: if there are no tags in use, the search functionality will be hidden from your view.



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