
What is the difference between Public and Private Goals

Public vs. Private Goals

Goals are the primary organizational element in EdReady. They serve two main purposes:

  • All student work is in the context of goals. For students, goals organize the assessments that they work on and are presented as unique paths of study
  • Goals are a way to group students together. These groupings allow you to provide the appropriate permissions for your users to view the associated students in the reports.


Public Goals

Goals that are Public can be seen on the student dashboard & can be joined by any student who logs into your EdReady site. Public goals are available for students with no barrier to entry - they don’t need to know a goal’s Key - but it can be difficult to ensure students get separated into the correct goal (for reporting permissions) via the use of public goals.

Private Goals

Goals that are Private are only available for students that enter the goal’s key: once the key is entered, students gain membership in the goal.


Creating private goals and giving a teacher and their students access is the preferred way to segregate students and ensure teachers (or reporting users) only have access to their students data


When setting up a goal’s permissions, you can make a goal Private by selecting this as the ‘Access Type’ on the goal’s General Information tab.


If you have private goals on your site, when a student logs in, they will see this screen. If they have been given a key to work on a private goal, they will enter it into the key box.

If they are not working on a private goal, they can either click the X in the upper right hand corner or click Get Started, which will take them to the dashboard where they can choose a public goal to work on.


If they do enter a key, like this:


Screen Shot 2015-01-23 at 2.39.12 PM.png (100 KB)

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