This tab allows the instructor to make changes to the settings that control how the NROC Course Manager interacts with the Course.
Video Guide to Class Settings (Basic)
We provide a four-minute video overview of the basic aspects of the Class Settings tab for those who prefer a walk-though. The detailed article below is followed by an advanced video about Class Settings (scroll to the end of the article to view the video).
Class Identification

At the top of the page, under the Edit Class Settings title, the instructor sees basic identifying information about the course. The dropdown menu at the top can be used to select a different class to edit if the instructor has multiple classes available.
Class NameThe instructor can reassign the course to another instructor by choosing a name from the list. The NROC Course Manager Administrator can assign the course to an instructor who does not yet have a Course Manager login by using the Create a New Instructor link.
Note: There can only be one Primary instructor per course. If you are not the NROC Course Manager Administrator for your school, changing the Primary Instructor will prevent you from seeing reports for students in this course.
Additional Instructors
The instructor can grant access to this course to one or more other instructors by selecting an instructor name from the drop-down list clicking Add. The NROC Course Manager Administrator can add an instructor the course who does not yet have a Course Manager login by using the Create a Additional Instructor link. Additional instructors can be removed from the course by clicking the Remove button next to the name of the instructor you would like to remove.
Note: Additional Instructors have access to all of the tabs in the Course Manager EXCEPT the Class Settings tab. Only the Primary instructor can access the Class Settings tab.
There are two settings that affect the Review portion of the course.
- Allow Retakes: You can toggle to allow or not allow retakes. If you allow retakes, the Course Manager will show the highest score. The student will see their most recent score.
- Mastery Level: This setting operates as a percentage. The default is 70. You may set this to any number up to 100.
Writing Center
Note: For additional information on the effects of these settings, please see the Reports tab information page.
These settings affect only the Writing Center. It is recommended that you set these values at the outset of your course, and DO NOT change them later. Changes can have an adverse effect on students who have reviews pending and can cause confusion for both students and instructors.
Email Notifications for Instructor Reviews: Set to "Allowed" if you want to receive email notifications when students submit Writing Center work for review. Emails will be sent to the address the instructor provided when the course was registered. This email address can be changed by clicking on Edit Profile in the upper right corner of the Course Manager window.
Allow Peer Reviews: You can choose to allow, or not allow, peer reviews. If peer reviews are allowed, the system will randomly assign reviewers from the class based on the number of reviewers set in "Number of Reviewers".
When reviews are pending (i.e., not yet completed by the reviewer(s)), the student will see a note in the Writing Center stating that reviews are pending. The student will not be able to move on in the Writing Center until the reviews are completed or the “Days Allowed to Complete a Review” expires. However, the student can go back to other parts of the Unit and review lessons. This is an excellent time for the student to study the Grammar resources in preparation for the next assignment.
Days Allowed to Complete a Review: Reviewers have a limited number of calendar days to complete the assigned reviews. If the number of days expires and the review has not been completed by the reviewer, then the "reviews pending" flag will be removed and the student will be allowed to move on without receiving the reviews. Instructors should consider both the progress of the student writer and the workload of the student reviewers when determining the appropriate number of days to allow for completion of peer reviews.
Click "Save Changes" when you are done.
Video Guide to Class Settings (Advanced)
For more advanced information about the Class Settings tab, please view the three-minute video below.