
Error: LTI Context Could Not Be Established

This error is generally due to the global LTI tool not being set up properly in the administration area of the LMS.

Please contact your LMS administrator for assistance. They should review the LTI installation guide provided to them by NROC to find the source of the connection problem. They may need to contact NROC for assistance or work with the LMS support team.

The following tips may help the LMS administrator find the cause of trouble, but this is not an exhaustive list.

  • The NROC Course Manager URL may be incorrect. Did you copy/paste it? Does it have white space at the end or beginning? Were some characters escaped? 
  • Your Key and/or Secret may be incorrect. Be sure they are not in the wrong fields. Did you copy/paste them? Do they have excess white space at the end or beginning? 
  • Canvas users
    • In Canvas, a class-level LTI app is created automatically when you import the IMSCC. If you are using a global LTI tool, be sure to delete the class-level LTI app or it will cause a conflict.
    • The "Launch URL" field should be left blank. It is not required, although it is outlined in red as if to indicate a problem.
  • No global tool? If your LMS does not allow you to create a global LTI tool, but rather requires setting up a tool for each individual link, you will need to check the settings the "Course Management and Reporting" link first and be sure it is working. Then you can troubleshoot the individual unit (Unit X/Begin Here) links.

If you need personal assistance and would like to submit a support ticket, please use the "Help" button at the bottom of the screen to contact us.

If you were directed here by our HippoBot and this does not resolve your issue, do not be concerned. Your ticket is already in the queue and we will get back to you shortly to assist you further.


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    Gordon Roethemeyer

    Preparing to configure LTI integration in Canvas in order to pull EdReady into a course. Can anyone offer some guidance or is it pretty straight forward?

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    Hi Gordon,
    Canvas tends to be straightforward, but I do want to be sure you've got the right instructions for what you're planning to do. I'm going to open a ticket for you....check your email.

    Marci :)