The Activity tab displays one month's usage statistics in a single snapshot. The data provided spans the entire institution's use of the NROC Course Manager, including both Developmental Math and Developmental English (if both courses are in use). This tab is only visible to Institutional Admins.
Use the drop down menu to select a month to view. The following information is available:
Note: A "session" is recorded when a user (student or instructor) clicks a link in the LMS to launch course content that is served by the NROC Course Manager. Student sessions are initiated by clicking a Unit link. Instructor sessions are initiated by clicking the Course Management and Reporting link.
Totals Table
- Total Sessions: The total number of sessions initiated in the NROC Course Manager by all students and instructors for the selected time period. Multiple logins by the same user are counted separately.
- Users (for period selected): The total number of users (students and instructors listed separately) who initiated sessions in the NROC Course Manager during the selected month, and the number of active Classes during the time period specified.
- Users (all time): The total number of users who logged in (students and teachers) and classes registered since the NROC Course Manager account was created.
Most Active Table
- Most Active Teachers: The top three most active instructors are indicated by the number of sessions they have initiated.
- Most Active Classes: The top three most active classes are indicated by the number of sessions initiated by students.
There is no differentiation between Math and English usage in the Totals table. The Most Active table likewise combines data from all active courses; but courses and instructors appear individually by name, so some differentiation between Math and English usage may be evident if there are Math and English courses in the top three positions.