If you find an error, please report it to Technical Support. Our team will use the information you provide to replicate the problem and determine the cause. Depending on the type and severity of the issue, we may push out a fix or a patch, or it may be included in the next release.
There are two kinds of errors: functionality errors and content errors.
If you notice something is not working as you expect it to -- such as a drag-and-drop exercise that does not drag or drop, broken images in a quiz, or a process that seems stuck -- then you have a functionality error.
If the error involves a wrong answer on a quiz, inaccurate information in a presentation, or a typo in a lesson, then you would be alerting us to a content error.
Content Errors
Known content errors, if any, are presented in the course errata (available to LMS admins at member institutions). If the issue is not listed, please contact technical support (see below). The issue will be reviewed by a subject matter expert and addressed as soon as possible.
Functionality Errors
An error in functionality may signify a bug, or it may be an issue with your system environment (browser, OS, etc.). When reporting a functionality problem, please be sure to include as much information about your system as possible (including version numbers for any software involved), and describe in detail the steps we should take to replicate the problem you are seeing.
Some examples of helpful information would be:
- Screenshot of the page where the error is evident and/or any settings you have that might be involved
- A screencast (video) of the steps you take to reproduce the problem
- The exact Unit, Topic, and Lesson number where you see the issue
- A URL where the problem exists
- Instructor-level access (URL, username, and password) so we can log in and see the issue in action
- the exact text (preferably a screenshot) of any error message you encounter
Submit to Tech Support
When reporting an error of any type, we encourage you to use the "Help" button at the bottom of your screen to contact us. The ticket form will guide you to provide information that is helpful to us in diagnosing the problem and reducing the time to resolution, and will automatically provide us with some information on your browser and OS.
Note: Please note that not all issues can be fixed. If the error is in media contributed by a third party, we may not be able to make the correction ourselves due to copyright restrictions. If we are unable to correct the error, we include it in the course errata.