
Are there restrictions on how we use NROC materials?

Supporting members of the NROC Project are entitled to use the NROC content within their member organization.  This includes online course use, traditional classroom use, or hybrid use.  Standard members may also distribute content in a variety of alternative modes, including on DVD or mobile devices.  We encourage you to utilize these materials for all your instructional needs. 

Our courses are designed for flexibility. There are as many uses as there are teachers and classes. You are welcome to create additional assignments, add external resources, create supplemental resources, and add or remove quiz questions.

How to do this depends on your LMS, and may be limited by the permissions you have been granted by your institution.

If you do create additional resources that other teachers might find useful, we encourage you to share them back with the community. We post teacher-created resources at the Network so that other member institutions can make use of them.

See our Terms of Use and your institution's membership contract for more specific details that may apply.

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