NROC Courses require the use of an LMS that supports IMSCC content imports. However, there are other modes of delivery for NROC English and math content.
Every NROC member organization receives a custom HippoCampus website for their institution. Membership rights allow you to link to the media objects at HippoCampus through your LMS or as playlists you can share with students. Please note that these are not complete courses, they are standalone media objects. There are no assessments or supplemental resources available in HippoCampus. Please see the HippoCampus Help Center for additional information.
NROC members are entitled to a custom EdReady site. With EdReady, student can test their readiness for college math, see study options, and get a personalized study path to fill in knowledge gaps. EdReady can be used to check math mastery, to plan for college and career opportunities, and to prepare for common exams, such as the ACT and HiSET. High school students, homeschoolers, and adult learners will benefit from The EdReady platform is adaptive, flexible, and data-rich. It is built to scale and evolve according to the shifting needs of NROC members. See and the EdReady Administrative Help Center for additional information.