All members of the NROC Network receive a branded member version of HippoCampus to share with staff as a teaching resource and with students as a study resource. HippoCampus is a searchable database of more than 3000 multimedia learning objects in the NROC library, correlated to leading textbooks and state standards.
Teachers may readily link to objects in the repository from this website. A designated HippoCampus administrator at your member institution manages the look and feel of this “parent” site and teachers within your organization may create their own customized classroom “child” versions of the site for their curricular use.
Only instructors need to have an account and login to your custom Hippo site so they can create playlists and share custom URLs (links) with students. Students do not need an account and do not log in to HippoCampus.
Refer to your introductory materials from NROC or ask your local NROC Project Manager for the URL to your custom branded site.
You may also find your branded HippoCampus site here: