
Error Message: "Status: Institution Key is invalid"

Some users report logging into the NROC Course Manager and seeing a message like this:

Status: Institution Key is invalid
Please edit the settings for this item and all Units in this course.
Change the URL to include the Key for your institution. Replace * XX112233xx44 
* with the Key provided for your Institution.
For example:
If your key is *12r6Y4y770*, you should change the URL for this content 
item from:]( 
* XX112233xx44*
If you do not know your Registration Key, please contact technical support |


This indicates that the course has not yet been registered with the NROC Course Manager.

Click on the "Course Management and Reporting" link, and login with your administrator or instructor credentials (select "New Instructor" from the drop-down menu if you do not have credentials). 

Also be sure the drop down menu is not set to <Select Instructor>. See image below for an example:


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