
Is the Dev Math Beginning Algebra module a Pre-Algebra course?

Pre-Algebra is traditionally a middle school math course that prepares a student for Algebra. Our 6 “Beginning Algebra” units in the Dev Math sequence are more for students who do not have a math background beyond arithmetic (the first 6 units of our curriculum). Beginning Algebra may cover some of the same concepts as a pre-algebra course but in a different way.

The NROC Dev Math course does cover these Pre-Algebra broad subjects:

Pre-algebra often includes some basic subjects from geometry (which we have in the Dev Math course), mostly the kinds that further understanding of algebra and show how it is used, such as areavolume, and perimeter.

If you use NROC's Dev Math course components to teach a Pre-Algebra course, we would appreciate your feedback and any ideas you have to share with other instructors. Please join the NROC Math group and share your ideas and questions.

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