
Student User Guide - Developmental Math with Pre-Assessments

The student user guide is built into the course. Students can access this information at any time, via the "Help" button at the top right of the screen. 

There is a separate Help page for the unit maps and the topics, but the access point is the same. Students should be encouraged to review the Help link if they have any questions about what to do next or how the system is supposed to work. Likewise, instructors should familiarize themselves with this information so they can best support students in the classroom.


Unit User Guide



The Unit guide opens as a new window/tab. Close the window/tab to return to the Unit home page or navigate between tabs.





Topic User Guide

The topic guide opens within the frame of the topic. Use the "home" button at the left of the screen to return to the topic home page. For additional details, see this article.


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