
Reporting Capabilities of NROC Math Standard vs Pre-Assessments

There are two versions of DevMath: "standard" and with "pre-assessments". You can learn more about these two versions here.

One important consideration in choosing your version is the reporting capabilities. While the standard version is more customizable at the class level, the pre-assessment version has data reporting capabilities that the standard version does not have. 


Standard Version

The standard version relies entirely on your LMS for tracking and reporting student progress, but does not "feed" any data to your LMS. To track student progress, the instructor must determine how to collect assignments from students. 



Students work through topics that include warm-up exercises, videos, practice tests, and review tests. The student's progress is saved, but scores are not recorded in your LMS.

The instructor can create assignments using the LMS features and determine how to have students share their progress for a grade.

For example, if the instructor wants the student to earn a certain score on the review test, they would create an assignment in the LMS, and the student would turn in proof of their score, such as a screenshot.


Unit Tests

Unit tests take advantage of the LMS' native assessment engine. The scores earned by students on unit tests are entered into the LMS through whatever system is already in place. 


Pre-Assessment Version


The pre-assessment version takes advantage of NROC's proprietary data system, the NROC Course Manager. Data is collected as students are working through the system, including time spent in the course and scores from review tests. This data is available through a graphical interface, and can also be downloaded as an Excel file for any use, including import into your LMS.


Unit Tests

Unit tests are handled exactly as they are in the standard version, using the LMS' native assessment engine.

For More Information...

Below are some screenshots of the NROC Course Manager. We also have several articles that describe the NROC Course Manager in more detail.

How the NROC Course Manager Works

Why We Developed the NROC Course Manager

What Happens When You "Hide" (Uncheck) Topics in the NROC Course Manager?

NROC Developmental Math Course Manager User Guide


If you are interested in reviewing more of the details of how the NROC Course Manager data can be used in your classes, please submit a support ticket.






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