
Introduction to Study Path Options

This article contains the following information:

A video introduction to Study Path Options can be found here.

Study Path Options Overview

A Study Path is what a student interacts with in EdReady. When a scope is associated with a goal, that scope becomes a Study Path for students. When a student enters a goal in EdReady, they will be prompted to work on an available study path within that goal, as shown in the image below.


There are various options available to customize a study path to best meet the needs of your students.


Accessing Study Path Options

There are two ways to access study path options:

  1. When editing your EdReady version, simply click the Study Path Options tab. Click on "View Study Paths" for any goal. Then you will see the study paths open at the bottom of the screen. Click the "Configure" button next to any study path, and then click on the "Messaging" tab.studyPathOptions_tab.png
  2. You can also access Study Path Options by clicking on the Scopes tab of the goal that contains the study path you wish to configure. In the Edit mode for your EdReady site, open the "Goals" tab. Click on the "Edit" link for the goal. Then select the "Scopes" tab. In the Selected Scopes list (top of the page), click the Configure link in the Actions column of the appropriate scope.studyPathOptions_goal.png


Accessing Study Path Options Test Settings

To access a study path's test settings, click on the View Study Paths link in the Actions column of the goal that contains the study path you wish to configure. studyPathOptions_GoalList.png

Another table with associated study paths will appear below. Click the Configure link in the Actions column of the study path you wish to configure to be taken to the Test Settings screen.



Accessing Study Path Options Messaging

Note: Instructors need to have "Manage Study Path Options" permission to edit Study Path messages. Only EdReady Administrators can set permission levels for instructors.


From the Study Path Options Configuration screen, click on the Messaging Tab to view the message list for that study path.studyPathOptions_messagingTab.png


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