
Logging Into EdReady

This article contains the following information:

Receiving Account Details

When you have been given administrative access to EdReady, you should receive an email like the one shown here:


This email includes your username, which is the same as your email address, as well as your initial password & the URL of your EdReady site.

The first time you log into EdReady, you will be forced to change your password. Your password must be Strong, which means it meets the following requirements:
- Has at least 8 characters, (longer is better)
- Contains a combination of upper and lower case letters
- Contains at least one symbol or special character
- Does not include common words, names or phrases

Note that you cannot self-register as an Admin user – you will need to be granted that access by someone else with Administrative rights


Logging In

You will use the same URL as your students to access EdReady. Also like your students, click the Log In link found in the header to Log In. A dropdown window will appear: enter your Email & Password and click the Log In button to enter the site.



Forgot your Password?

Next to the Log In button found on the ‘Log In’ dropdown window, you will see a Forgot Password? link: click this link to request a new password.

Enter your EdReady Username (your email address) in the box and click the Send me Reset Instructions button.

EdReady will send you a new password via email and you will be forced to change it when you log in.


Logging Out

Whenever you are finished using EdReady, log out by clicking on your Name in the header bar.
Then, click the Log Out link shown in the dropdown menu.


EdReady Session Timeout

You will be logged out of EdReady after 30 minutes of inactivity. After EdReady determines that you have been inactive for 29 minutes, you will see a pop-up window like this:

The last line will update to countdown the number of seconds until your session ends.

If you see that the final line says “Session Timed Out!”, then you did not close the window within the allotted 60 seconds and will need to log into EdReady again.

If you are using EdReady when this widow opens, just click the Stay logged in button and your session will remain active.

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