
There is no right answer to a question. I have tried them all.

Keep in mind that EdReady never tells you exactly which question(s) you got wrong, and it does not reward guessing. It is a tool to help you learn math and improve your skills. You must study and learn how to work out the answers, or you will have trouble passing the tests.

EdReady is used by thousands of students every day, in college, high school, and middle school classrooms across the country. We have carefully vetted all of the questions and answers, and it is very rare that we encounter a question that is actually wrong in our system (i.e., has no correct answer, an incorrect answer, or a technical issue).

 That being said, we understand that you may find a question that you believe to be incorrect in some way. If you would like us to confirm that there is indeed a "correct answer" on file for a particular question, or that the question is not technically broken, we need to know the Question ID. It is a 6-digit number that you will see on screen when you are working on the question. You can submit your request for an evaluation of a question by its Question ID at (click on "Submit a Request" at the top of the page). 

We cannot tell you the correct answer to a question, but if you submit a screenshot showing your answer choice before you click submit, we can tell you if your answer is correct or incorrect.

There is also a new feature for instructors to check your answers. You can supply the same Question ID to your teacher, and they will be able to check your answers. 

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