
NROC Support And Resources For Developmental Math Instructors


Support Ticket

Need help right away? Submit a support ticket at We monitor tickets Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm Pacific time. Tickets submitted during business hours receive a same-day response, usually within a couple of hours. 


Technical Support Issues

If you are experiencing a technical problem with your NROC Math course, the first step is to contact your LMS Administrator. In most cases, they can resolve the problem. If they are unable to resolve it, they have the ability to submit a support ticket to NROC. Support tickets are normally responded to within one business day. Instructors can also submit a support ticket directly to NROC, using the "Submit a Request" link at the top of the Help Center.

NROC Course Manager "Help" Button

In the NROC Course Manager, you will find a "Help" button at the bottom of the screen. You can use this to look up answers to questions about the Course Manager and to submit a support ticket if you need assistance.

Office Hours

Our NROC Implementation and Support Team has daily Office Hours to answer questions or provide just-in-time support to our member institutions. All teachers are encouraged to drop in to ask their questions and get personalized assistance.

Help Center

Have a question about NROC Math? You can look up answers in our Help Center 24 hours a day and find answers to our most frequently asked questions, as well as other valuable resources. Instructors can also submit a support ticket directly to NROC, using the "Submit a Request" link at the top of the Help Center. Our business hours are typically 9 am to 5 pm PT.

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